CARES Act Financial Assistance

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, 《威尼斯人网站》通过高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)向各机构提供资金. On June 12, 2020, 威尼斯人平台获得了HEERF的资助,为受COVID-19影响的学生提供紧急资助. 威尼斯人平台必须将这些资金的50%拨威尼斯人平台学生,并向公众报告资金的使用情况. To receive the grant, enrolled students must complete the Emergency Financial Grant Application, have demonstrated eligibility for federal financial aid, and not be enrolled solely in an online program when courses were changed to remote delivery.

  • 威尼斯人平台承认该大学签署并向教育部退还了认证和协议,并保证该大学将使用不少于50%的根据冠状病毒援助第18004(a)(1)条收到的资金, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.
  • Capital University received a total of $1,243,根据该机构对学生的紧急财政援助补助金的认证和协议,从教育部获得434. The University has distributed a total of $1,153,434 as of October 14, 2020.
  • 威尼斯人平台估计,该大学有2826名学生有资格参加1965年《威尼斯人网站》第四章第484条规定的课程,因此有资格根据《威尼斯人平台》第18004(a)(1)条向学生提供紧急经济援助助学金.
  • 截至2020年10月14日,共有524名学生获得了紧急财政援助助学金. Additional applications are currently under review.
  • 财政援助办公室正在使用一个申请程序,允许学生为他们的费用申请资金. 所有学生都通过电子邮件收到补助金可用性和申请流程的通知. The email included what the grant could be used for, who is eligible to apply, how to apply (including a link to the grant application), and an explanation of how grants would be awarded as outlined below.

威尼斯人平台获得了冠状病毒援助组织授权的高等教育紧急救援基金的资助, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by the president in late March, 这项直接经济救助计划为许多经济部门提供了刺激和财政支持, including higher education. 

这笔资金将用于向在3月13日或之后因校园运营中断而受到影响的学生提供紧急补助金, 2020 due to the COVID-19 health emergency.  

As of October 20, 2020 the CARES Act Emergency Funds for students have all been spent.


这是对威尼斯人平台已收到美国教育部(ED)确定的《威尼斯人官网》(CRRSAA)拨款的确认。. 威尼斯人平台已签署并向教育部退还认证和协议,并保证该机构已使用了CRRSAA指定的HEERF II基金的适用金额.

The total amount of funds received under the CRRSAA: $3,710,353. 没有直接分配威尼斯人平台学生的机构资金是按照联邦规定使用的. 这些资金用于向学生提供助学金和资助CRRSAA下的其他合格费用.

The total amount of grants distributed to students under the CRRSAA: $1,339,200. The minimum amount required to be distributed to students: $1,243,434.

The total number of students who received funding through CRRSAA: 1,325

The total number of students who have received a grant: 1,325

威尼斯人平台根据提交了FAFSA并有资格获得联邦基金的学生确定合格学生的数量. Students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of 10,000 or less received a $1,000 grant. EFC成绩在这个范围之外的学生,或者其他合格的学生,或者有额外的经济困难的学生,可以通过申请获得资金, in writing their funding needs.

CRRSAA助学金通过电子资金转账(EFT)或支票支付威尼斯人平台所有符合条件的学生. Students were notified in advance so they could choose their method of payment.

威尼斯人平台剩余的机构部分资金用于支持持续的COVID-19相关费用和购买额外的电子设备以支持学生, faculty and staff should fully remote learning again be necessary.


Posted as of 06/17/2022

这是确认威尼斯人平台已收到由美国教育部(ED)确定的高等教育紧急救济基金/美国救援计划(HEERF/ARP)的拨款。. 威尼斯人平台已签署并向教育署退还证书和协议,并保证该机构已使用了根据ARP指定的HEERF III基金的适用金额.

The total amount of funds received under the ARP: $6,569,930.

没有直接分配威尼斯人平台学生的机构资金是按照联邦规定使用的. These funds were used to fund other qualifying expenses under the HEERF ARP.

The total amount of grants distributed to students under the ARP to date: $3,285,636.00.

The minimum amount required to be distributed to students is: $3,285,636.00

The total number of students receiving funds during the fall 2021 semester: 874
The total number of students receiving funds during the spring 2022 semester: 853


威尼斯人平台根据提交了FAFSA并有资格获得联邦基金的学生确定符合条件的本科生人数. Traditional undergraduate students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of 15,000 or less received a $1,700 grant during the fall semester and a $2,000 grant during the spring semester. Undergraduate adult learners with an EFC of 20,000 or below received a grant of $2,200 during the spring semester. EFC成绩在这个范围之外的学生,或者其他符合条件的学生,或者有额外的经济困难的学生,可以提交助学金申请. The hardship application deadline was March 15, 2022.

HEERF ARP助学金通过电子资金转账(EFT)或支票支付威尼斯人平台所有符合条件的学生. Students were notified in advance so they could choose their method of payment. 学生们还可以选择提供一份书面申请,将他们的助学金申请到他们的学生账户.


截至2022年6月4日,CRRSA和HEERF ARP为学生提供的紧急资助资金已经全部用完.

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